your collar has a lipstick stain on it 意味

  • 君のカラーには口紅の跡がついている


        lipstick on someone's collar:    (人)の襟に付いている口紅{くちべに}
        has the cat got your tongue:     (Has the) cát got your [his, etc.] tóngue? ((略式))どうして君は[彼は]黙っているの.
        lipstick:     lipstick n. 口紅. 【動詞+】 apply lipstick on one's lips 口紅をつける fix one's lipstick 口紅を直す put on lipstick 口紅をつける remove one's lipstick 口紅を落とす You've smeared my lipstick.
        collar:     collar n. えり, カラー; 首輪. 【動詞+】 The dog has a collar around its neck. その犬は首輪をつけている He removed his tie and opened his collar. ネクタイを取って, えりのボタンをはずした put a collar around the neck of a d
        in collar:    就職して
        in the collar:    束縛されて
        stain:     1stain n. よごれ, しみ; 汚点. 【動詞+】 bring a stain on the character of… …の名声を傷つける Your collar has a lipstick stain on it. 君のカラーには口紅の跡がついている The peach juice left a stain on my dress. ピーチ
        stain with:    ~で染色{せんしょく}する
        to stain:    to stain 汚す けがす よごす 染みを付ける しみをつける
        your:     YOUR {略} : you are◆インターネット
        your will:    your will 貴意 きい 御意 ぎょい 尊慮 そんりょ
        bright lipstick:    明るい色の口紅{くちべに}
        frosted lipstick:    パール入り口紅
        glossy lipstick:    光沢{こうたく}のある口紅{くちべに}
        lipstick brush:    紅筆{べにふで}


  1. "your claim is quite absurd" 意味
  2. "your class average is far below the norm" 意味
  3. "your clean house puts us to shame" 意味
  4. "your clothes don't look very new, but i suppose they'll get by" 意味
  5. "your clothes will dry out as you walk" 意味
  6. "your columns" 意味
  7. "your coming" 意味
  8. "your comment was justified in that context" 意味
  9. "your comments are always welcome" 意味
  10. "your clothes don't look very new, but i suppose they'll get by" 意味
  11. "your clothes will dry out as you walk" 意味
  12. "your columns" 意味
  13. "your coming" 意味

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